RIPA // Lead: "ASK" (Simon Lykke and Malstrøm 2015-2017)
Victim of love // Lead: “CHARLY” (Jesper Isaksen, Bleed For This Picture 2019)
The Birdcatcher’s Son // Lead: “ESMAR” (Richard Hobert, SF Studios 2019)
(Pilot - in production) Black Dog // Supporting: "VINCVE" (Marc Sutton 2017)
C4 // Lead: "CHRISTIAN THE 4th (Kasper Skovsbøl and Good Company Films 2017)
Copenhagen - A love story // "RUDI" (Rudi Philippe Lesage 2014)
Fidibus // Lead: "KALLE" (Hella Joof and Fine & Mellow 2006)
Nordkraft // Lead "FRANK" (Ole Christian Madsen and Nimbus Film 2005)
(Pilot - in production) Doggystyle // Support: "REINO" (Anna Emma Haudal and SF Studios Production 2017)
Fodbolddommeren // Supporting: "JIMMY" (Jesper Quistgaard, Instafilm 2018)
The Fabric // Lead: "IGNESS" (Henrik Bjerregaard Clausen 2017)
Se hvilken klovn // Supporting: "FATHER" (Jacob Thomas Pilgaard and Odense Filmværksted 2017)
Skyggebokser // Supporting: "RUDI" (Andreas Bøggild Monis and Monis Film & Nano Film 2017)
The One // Lead: "SERIAL KILLER" (Erik Schäfer 2016)
Helleflynder // Lead: "NIELS" (Jesper Quistgaard, Instafilm and Odense Filmværksted/Odense Kommune 2015)
Ødeland // Lead: "ASGER" (Jesper Quistgaard and Blouge Productions 2015)
Gold Digger // Lead: "MICHAEL" (Løkken brødrene and Flatcamel Pictures 2014)
En rigtig kvinde // Supporting: "MADS" (Sofie Siboni and KBH Film- og fotoskole 2014)
Sværvægter // Lead: "LIAM" (Jesper Quistgaard and 18Frames 2014)
Vinterbrødre // Supporting: "OLDER BROTHER" (Hlynor Palmason and Den Danske Filmskole 2012)
Dagens Avis // Lead: "SCIZOFRENIC MAN" (Marc Louis Sutton and Effekten 2012)
Remis // Lead: "WILLIAM", lead (Lin Alluna and Station Next 2009)
Bønnes Crew // Lead: "BØNNE" (Morten Bøgdal Halvorsen and Den Danske Filmskole 2005)
Malrun - Shadowborn (Sidsel Møller Johnsen 2012)
Carpark North - Burn It (Michael Christensen and Gaucho Film 2010)
(In production) Bedrag // Supporting (DR DRAMA 2018)
(Pilot - in production) Grow // Supporting: "ROLF" (Avaz Brothers, Rocket Road Pictures and TV2 2017)
(In production) Kriger // Supporting: "JACK" (Christoffer Boe and Miso Film 2017)
Ø // Supporting: "JACOB" (Kasper Torsting and Studio Plus 2016)
Mord uden grænser // Supporting: "BILLY" (Katrine Windfeldt and Nordisk Film 2014)
Hotel Cæsar // Supporting: "ROCK YOUNG" (Thomas Kaiser and Metronome Spartacus AS 2012)
Manden med de gyldne ører // Supporting: "SILAS" (Simon Bonde and Nordisk Film 2009)